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Use VSCode debugger when working with AWS CDK

(Before we start - if you've never heard of AWS Cloud Development Kit, I've created a quick, 64 minute course on - Build an App with the AWS Cloud Development Kit ) This is a quick tip I've learned from Nathan Glover 's CDK Debugging in VSCode blogpost and I'd like to share it…

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Build a file upload email subscription with CDK, S3 and SNS

(Before we start - if you've never heard of AWS Cloud Development Kit, I've created a quick, 64 minute course on - Build an App with the AWS Cloud Development Kit ) First steps Let's start by creating an empty AWS CDK project, to do that run: After installing all necessary dependencies…

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Build a simple GraphQL server with Apollo Server and AWS CDK

(Before we start - if you've never heard of AWS Cloud Development Kit, I've created a quick, 64 minute course on - Build an App with the AWS Cloud Development Kit ) First steps Let's start by creating an empty AWS CDK project, to do that run: After installing all necessary dependencies…

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Notes from Up and Running with TypeScript on

I've decided to revisit a Up and Running with TypeScript course by John Lindquist and since I'm learning in public, feel fre to check out my notes below: The fastest way to kickstart a local project with TypeScript is to use parcel-bundler With Parcel getting started with…

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Notes from Design GraphQL Schemas on

Link to the course: Designing GraphQL Schemas by Nik Graf Mocking and naming conventions When designing a schema, it's useful to have mock data available so we can send actual queries in GraphQL playground and verify the results. This allows us to iterate faster during schema design process…

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Notes from GraphQL Query Language course on

I've decided to revisit one of the best courses - GraphQL Query Language by Eve Porcello and you can find my notes below: In a GraphQL query, the shape of the query matches the shape of the response: Query: Response: When querying for a list of objects the GraphQL query syntax stays…

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Why I don't like story-point-driven estimates

Software engineering estimates are ridiculously hard. Let's face it, when a developer tells you on Monday that: Oh yeah, I'm finishing that feature, it'll be merged to main branch today! you can translate that to: There's a non-zero chance that it'll be pushed to code review this week. Bear in…

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Tomasz Łakomy © 2022
Cloudash - serverless monitoring. Simplified